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Shiatsu - it's always there


Updated: Jun 6, 2023

"One thing I love about shiatsu is that it is always there. Whatever life throws at me, whether I am physically stressed or emotionally stressed, I know I can have some shiatsu which will help me enormously. I have shiatsu regularly and it helps me to cope with the difficulties of life. It keeps me emotionally and physically balanced. I love it and find it tremendously helpful." Heather Elliott, Shiatsu client.

Throughout June we are posting contributions we have received from people who wanted to tell us one thing they love about shiatsu.

All contributors have given us permission to share their words, with the names or initials given.

'1 thing I love about shiatsu' is a collaborative project for #shiatsuawarenessmonth (an initiative of the Shiatsu Society (UK) ) and #shiatsuwithoutborders (an initiative of the ESF - European Shiatsu Federation. '1 thing I love about shiatsu' is a collaborative project for #shiatsuawarenessmonth (an initiative of the Shiatsu Society (UK)) and #shiatsuwithoutborders (an initiative of the ESF - Europe#1thingiloveaboutshiatsuan Shiatsu Federation). It is being managed by Hannah Mackay - Shiatsu and creativity for The Shiatsu College #shiatsu #shiatsumassage #1thingiloveaboutshiatsu

{photo credit - Hannah Mackay}


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